Living the Dream: Stories from Second Homeowners on Island Living


Owning a second home on an island can be a dream come true for many people. The tranquility, natural beauty, and unique culture of island living are alluring to those seeking an escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life. But what is it really like to own a second home on a European island? To find out, we spoke with a few second homeowners who shared their experiences and insights on island living in Europe.

One common theme that emerged was the strong sense of community on the islands. “Living on an island in Greece is like being part of a big family,” said Maria, a homeowner on the island of Corfu. “Everyone knows each other and helps each other out.” This sense of community extends beyond social gatherings to practical matters like home maintenance. “The locals on the island are always willing to help out with things like plumbing or electricity,” said Chris, a homeowner on the island of Ibiza in Spain. “It’s like having a support network that you can rely on.”

Another aspect of island living that homeowners enjoy is the slower pace of life. “Living on an island in Italy is like stepping back in time,” said Giuseppe, a homeowner on the island of Sicily. “Things move at a slower pace here, and it’s refreshing.” This slower pace allows for more time to enjoy the natural beauty of the island. “I love spending my afternoons hiking in the mountains or swimming in the crystal-clear waters,” said Sofia, a homeowner on the island of Mallorca in Spain. “It’s a perfect way to unwind and connect with nature.”

Of course, island living is not without its challenges. One of the most significant is the limited access to goods and services. “The shops on the island are not always well-stocked, and it can be difficult to find certain items,” said Maria. “We have to plan our shopping carefully.” This can be especially challenging for those with medical needs or other specialized requirements. “We have to travel to the mainland for certain medical treatments, and it can be expensive and time-consuming,” said Chris.

Another challenge is the higher cost of living on an island. Real estate prices are often higher than on the mainland, and many goods and services are more expensive as well. “We pay a premium for living on an island, but for us, it’s worth it,” said Giuseppe. Homeowners also have to factor in the cost of maintaining a property from a distance. “Finding reliable contractors and property managers on an island can be challenging,” said Sofia. “We’ve had to learn to be more hands-on with our property.”

Despite these challenges, the homeowners we spoke with agreed that owning a second home on a European island is a unique and rewarding experience. “Living on an island in Spain has given us a whole new perspective on life,” said Chris. “We’ve learned to appreciate the simple things and take life at a slower pace.” For those considering a second home on a European island, the key is to do your research and be prepared for the unique challenges that come with island living.

In conclusion, owning a second home on a European island can offer a unique and rewarding lifestyle. Homeowners enjoy a strong sense of community, a slower pace of life, and the natural beauty of the island. However, there are also challenges to consider, such as limited access to goods and services and the higher cost of living. Ultimately, the decision to purchase a second home on a European island should be based on careful research and a willingness to embrace the unique aspects of island living.